CICP PhD Seminar

Small State Diplomacy in Times of Crisis

CICP PhD Seminar | Small State Diplomacy in Times of Crisis

O Centro de Investigação em Ciência Política (CICP) convida os interessados a participarem no CICP PhD Seminar.

O Seminário “Small State Diplomacy in Times of Crisis” será proferido por Anders Wivel (Universidade de Copenhaga) e irá propiciar uma discussão estimulante sobre um tema de grande relevância no cenário internacional contemporâneo.

Detalhes do Evento:

Data: 17 maio

Hora: 10h30

Local: Auditório DST da Escola de Economia e Gestão.


Nota biográfica do orador:  Anders Wivel (he/him) is Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science University of Copenhagen. He has published widely on small states in international relations, foreign policy, international security and peaceful change, and power politics and IR realism. His academic articles have been published in e.g., International Affairs, International Studies Review, International Relations, European Journal of International Security, Ethics and International Affairs, and European Security. His most recent books are Polarity in International Relations: Past, Present, Future (Palgrave, 2022, co-edited with Nina Græger, Bertel Heurlin and Ole Wæver) and Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations (Oxford University Press, 2021, co-edited with T.V. Paul, Deborah W. Larson, Harold Trinkunas and Ralf Emmers).


Catarina Magalhães

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