Hélder Adegar Fonseca é professor catedrático do Departamento de História da Universidade de Évora. Doutorou-se em História Contemporânea e fez a agregação em História Social Europeia. Pertence à Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social, de que já foi presidente. Lecionou em diversas universidades e integra a ESTER (European graduate School for Training in Economic and social historical Research). Tem publicado em História da Agricultura, História das Elites e História da Mobilidade Social na Europa e, mais recentemente, sobre História social transnacional da Europa e da África Austral.
Agostinho Neto and Biographical Historiography.
Lambert PT
Publication date: 2020
Type of publication: Book
[With Dallywater, L.ena and Saunders, Chris] (eds). Southern African Liberation Movements and the Global Cold War ‘East’: Transnational Activism 1960–1990
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
Publication date: 2019
Type of publication: Edited Book
[With Saunders, Chris and Dallywater, Lena] 2019. “Introduction. Transnational Connections between Activists and the Global Cold War “East”(1960-1990. In: Dallywater, L., Saunders, C. and Fonseca, H.A. eds., Southern African Liberation Movements and the Global Cold War “East”. Transnational Activism 1960-1990. pp. 5-25
Oldenbourg, De Gruyter [Coll. Dialectics of the Global Series].
Publication date: 2019
Type of publication: Book Chapter
Angolan Guerrillas and Eastern-European Live Experiences: a Prosopographical Approach (1961-1974). In:In: Dallywater, L., Saunders, C. and Fonseca, H.A. eds., Southern African Liberation Movements and the Global Cold War “East”. Transnational Activism 1960-1990. pp.103-128
Oldenbourg, De Gruyter [Coll. Dialectics of the Global Series]
Publication date: 2019
Type of publication: Book Chapter
Agostinho Neto e a Historiografia Biográfica.
Revista de Teoria da História. Vol. 19 [Ed. Universidade Federal de Góis
Publication date: 2017
Type of publication: Journal Article
[ With Chris Saunders (eds)] Transnational Connections in Southern Africa: The Decolonizing and Post-Colonial Experiences. Book of Abstracts.
University of Évora (CICP), 154 p
Publication date: 2016
Type of publication: Edited Book
Southern African Transnational Lives? An Angolan “Freedom Figthers” prosopography (1961-1974). In H. A. Fonseca and C. Saunders (ed.) Transnational Connections in Southern Africa: The Decolonizing and Post-Colonial Experiences. Book of Abstracts. Évora, University of Évora (CICP), 15-24
Publication date: 2016
Type of publication: Book Chapter
[With Paulo Guimarães]. Pátria (A). Companhia de Seguros (1915-1980). In M. Faria e J A Mendes (coord.) , Dicionário de História Empresarial Portuguesa, Vol. II, Lisboa, INCM, pp. 306-310 (ISBN: 978-972-27-2222- 4)
Publication date: 2014
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
[With Paulo Guimarães]. Alentejo (O). Companhia de Seguros (1918-1978). In M. Faria e J A Mendes (coord.) , Dicionário de História Empresarial Portuguesa, Vol. II, Lisboa, INCM, pp. 33-35 (ISBN: 978-972-27- 2222-4)
Publication date: 2014
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
[With Paulo Guimarães]. Europa (A). Companhia de Seguros (1917-1926), In M. Faria e J A Mendes (coord.) , Dicionário de História Empresarial Portuguesa, Vol. II, Lisboa, INCM, pp. 215-6 (ISBN: 978-972-27- 2222-4)
Publication date: 2014
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
[With Paulo Guimarães]. Banco do Alentejo (1875-1979). In M. Faria e J A Mendes (coord.) , Dicionário de História Empresarial Portuguesa, I, Lisboa, INCM, pp. 198-204 (ISBN: 978-972-27-2221-6)
Publication date: 2013
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
Ideas of Southern Africanism: Portugal and the Movements of Liberation (1961-1974). In Southern African Historical Society (eds): 24th biennial Conference: All for One , One for All? Lev eraging National Interests with Regional Visions in Southern Africa , 27-29 June; University of Gaborone, pp. 1027-1051
Publication date: 2013
Type of publication: Book Chapter
[With Paulo Guimarães]. Banco Agrícola e Industrial Farense (1873-1901). In M. Faria e J A Mendes (coord.) , Dicionário de História Empresarial Portuguesa, I, Lisboa, INCM, pp. 45-48 (ISBN: 978-972-27-2221- 6)
Publication date: 2013
Type of publication: Encyclopedia Entry
[With Paulo Guimarães]. Banco Eborense. In M. Faria e J A Mendes (coord.) , Dicionário de História Empresarial Portuguesa, I, Lisboa, INCM, pp. 232-237 (ISBN: 978-972-27-2221-6)
Publication date: 2013
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
With Paulo Guimarães]. Banco Rural de Serpa. In M. Faria e J A Mendes (coord.) , Dicionário de História Empresarial Portuguesa, I, Lisboa, INCM, pp. 381-386 (ISBN: 978-972-27-2221-6)
Publication date: 2013
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
-“Intergenerational Transfer of Occupational Status in Portugal, 1850-1960: Unravelling Modernization Processes”, 9th European Social Science History Conference Glasgow, Scotland, UK Wednesday 11 – Saturday 14 April 2012, Sessão I-6 – SOC06: Social Mobility in Europe’s Boundary Regions
Publication date: 2012
Type of publication: Conference Paper
The Portuguese Sample on Social Mobility (1850-1967), 2nd mosaic conference “Budapest, 6-7 September 2012.
Publication date: 2012
Type of publication: Conference Paper
The Limits of Agricultural Growth in a Fragile Eco-System: Total Factor Productivity in Alentejo, 1750-1850
Olsson, M. & P. Svensson (eds.) Growth and stagnation in European historical agriculture. Turnhout: Brepols publishers, 2011, pp. 37-66
Publication date: 2011
Type of publication: Book Chapter
Portugal e as Sociedades Europeias: Família, Revoluções Sexuais, Homogamia e Fronteiras de Classe (1860-1960)
Perspectivas, Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations, nº 4, pp. 77-113
Publication date: 2010
Type of publication: Journal Article
A Europa, Portugal e os Desafios da Globalização: Perspectivas Transdisciplinares.
Journal of Political Sciences and International Relations , nº 3-4,
Publication date: 2010
Type of publication: Journal Issue
Social mobility in Portugal (1860-1960): Operative issues and trends
Continuity and Change
Publication date: 2009
Type of publication: Journal Article
URL: http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-75649152110&partnerID=MN8TOARS
[With Paulo Guimarães]. Mobilidade Social Intergeracional em Portugal 1911-1957. In Serrão, J V, Pinheiro, M.A e Ferreira, M.F.S. (org.): Desenvolvimento Económico e Mudança Social . Portugal nos últimos dois Séculos . Homenagem a Miriam Halpern Pereira, Lisboa, ICS, pp. 349-374
Publication date: 2009
Type of publication: Book Chapter
Ocupação da Terra (1850-1914). In Álvaro Ferreira da Silva and Pedro Lains (org.) : História Económica de Portugal, 1700-1992, Vol. II, Lisboa, ICS, pp. 74-103
Publication date: 2005
Type of publication: Book Chapter
[With Fernando Gameiro]. O liceu de Évora na formação das elites portuguesas. Percursos Escolares e Profissionais 1841-1941. In Escolas, Culturas e Identidades, Vol III, III Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História da Educação, Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação, Coimbra, pp.17-36
Publication date: 2004
Type of publication: Book Chapter
[With Fernando Gameiro]. Carvalho, José Perdigão Rosado de. In Dicionário Biográfico de Parlamentares (1834-1910), Porto, Afrontamento, 2004
Publication date: 2004
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
O Perfil social da «elite censitária» no Sul de Portugal: Alentejo , Século XIX. In Benedicta Maria Duque Vieira (Org.): Grupos Sociais e Estratificação Social em Portugal no Século XX, Lisboa, CEHCP-ISCTE, pp. 27-54
Publication date: 2004
Type of publication: Book Chapter
[With Fernando Gameiro]. Monteiro, Adriano Augusto da Silva. In Dicionário Biográfico de Parlamentares (1834-1910), Porto, Afrontamento, 2004
Publication date: 2004
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
Agrarian elites and economic growth in nineteenth-century Portugal: The example of the Alentejo in the Liberal era (1850-1910)
Social History
Publication date: 2003
Type of publication: Journal Article
URL: http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0344287081&partnerID=MN8TOARS
Élites Agrárias en la Península Ibérica (Sig. XIX) .
Ayer,Revista de historia contemporánea, nº 48
Publication date: 2002
Type of publication: Journal Issue
Problèmes de la transmission des explorations agricoles (XVIII-XXe Siècle): le sud du Portugal. In G.Bouchard, J. Goy and A L.Head-Köning, Nécessités Èconomiques et Pratiques Juridiques. Problèmes de la transmission des explorations agricoles (XVIII-XXe Siècle), Rome, École Française de Rome, 1998, pp.389-393
Publication date: 1998
Type of publication: Book Chapter
O Alentejo no Século XIX: Economia e Atitudes Económicas
Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda
Publication date: 1996
Type of publication: Book
As Elites Económicas Alentejanas, 1850-1870: anatomia social e empresarial. O exemplo de Évora”. In Actas do XV Encontro da Asssociação Portuguesa de História Económica Empresarial – Encontro de História Empresarial, Universidade de Évora: Évora, 1995. pp. 593-632
Publication date: 1995
Type of publication: Book Chapter
A Propriedade da Terra em Portugal 1750-1850: Alguns Aspectos para uma Síntese. In F. Marques da Costa et al. (Org.): Do Antigo Regime ao Liberalismo: 1750-1850, Lisboa, Vega, pp. 213-240.
Publication date: 1989
Type of publication: Book Chapter