Paulo Duarte é Professor Auxiliar na Universidade Lusófona do Porto, e Professor Auxiliar Convidado na Universidade do Minho e investigador (post-doc) no Centro de Investigação em Ciência Política da Universidade do Minho. Possui Doutoramento e Mestrado em Ciências Políticas e Sociais, pela Universidade Católica de Lovaina. Especialista na Faixa e Rota chinesa e na Ásia Central, onde realizou extensa pesquisa doutoral (Cazaquistão, Quirguistão e Tajiquistão) com bolsa da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Autor de Metamorfoses no Poder: rumo à hegemonia do dragão? com prefácio e apresentação de Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. Publicações recentes: Duarte, P. (2017). “Changes in the World Power: The United States within the New Balance of Power”, 2-23, in Eurasian Economies in Transition, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, edited by Gencer et al. Autor de Pax Sinica. Lisboa: Chiado Editora. 2017. [apresentada pelo ex-Ministro da Educação e Finanças de Portugal, Prof. Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins e pela Prof. Carmen Amado Mendes]. Autor de La Nouvelle Route de la Soie chinoise et l’Asie centrale: vers une (re)configuration de l’intégration régionale et globale. Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain. Collection Scène internationale. 2018. Autor de um artigo sobre a Belt and Road Initiative e a Ásia Central, premiado com financiamento, publicação como capítulo e apresentação em Astana (pela George Washington University). Investigador-convidado (janeiro-dezembro de 2016) pela National Chengchi University (Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, Taiwan, no âmbito do programa Taiwan Fellowship. Membro do Observatório da China em Portugal e editor do ELA Journal (publicação IAPSS). Membro da Fundação Amigos da Nova Rota da Seda. Membro da Liga de Amizade Portugal-China. Membro do Centro de Estudos Africanos, Asiáticos e Latino-Americanos (CESA), Escola de Economia e Gestão de Lisboa. Professor-convidado na Universidade de Coimbra. Bolseiro do Ministério do Comércio da República Popular da China, na Universidade Normal de Pequim.
Multilateralism and Soft Power Made-in-China: (re)Adjusting Role Conception to Meet International Expectations
East Asia
Publication date: 2024
Type of publication: Journal Article
Rethinking the low Profile: the evolving stance of China¿s Strategic Culture
International Conference on Contemporary Asian Studies
Publication date: 2024
Type of publication: Conference Abstract
Duarte, P. (2023). Why Is China Going Polar? Understanding Engagement and Implications for the Arctic and Antarctica. in Duarte, P.; Leandro, F. and Galán, E. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative (pp.763-779). Singapore: Palgrave (in co-authorship with Ferreira-Pereira, L. and Santos, N.).
The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Book Chapter
When the Earth is not Enough: the Role of Outer Space in China’s Grand Strategy
Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Journal Article
China, Portugal and the Atlantic: The Shifting Geopolitics
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Book Chapter
Correction to: The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Book Chapter
A Soft Balancing Ménage à Trois? China, Iran and Russia Strategic Triangle vis-à-vis US Hegemony
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Journal Article
Why Is China Going Polar? Understanding Engagement and Implications for the Arctic and Antarctica
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Book Chapter
The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative
Palgrave Macmillan
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Book
Duarte, P. (2023). Introduction of the book. in Duarte, P.; Leandro, F., and Galán, E. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative. (pp.1-15). Singapore: Palgrave (in co-authorship with Leandro, F., and Galán, E.).
The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Book Chapter
Duarte, P. (2023). The South Atlantic in China s Global Policy: Why It Matters? in Duarte, P.; Leandro, F., and Galán, E. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative(pp.703-720). Singapore: Palgrave (in co-authorship with Ferreira-Pereira, L.).
The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Book Chapter
Final Notes
Portugal and the Lusophone World: Law, Geopolitics and Institutional Cooperation
Publication date: 2023
Type of publication: Book Chapter
Duarte, Paulo; Tavares, António & Teixeira, Joana (2022). Mais um episódio da Guerra Fria? A intervenção externa na invasão indonésia do território timorense, pp. 55-73. In Revista de Ciência Política 1820, nº5, julho-dezembro 2022.
Revista de Ciência Política 1820
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Magazine Article
The Middle Kingdom in the Middle Atlantic: China in the Small Portuguese Island States
China, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe: From sporadic bilateral exchanges to a comprehensive multilateral platform
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Book Chapter
A geopolítica do regionalismo sino-russo na Ásia Central: a centralidade do Cazaquistão
Revista Zoom
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Magazine Article
The Geopolitics of Sino-Russian Regionalism in Central Asia: Kazakhstan in Analysis
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Conference Paper
Mais um episódio da Guerra Fria? A intervenção externa na invasão indonésia do território timorense
Revista de Ciência Política 1820
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Journal Article
Duarte, Paulo and de Jesus, Letícia (2022). The Geopolitics of Sino-Russian Regionalism in Central Asia: Kazakhstan in Analysis, pp.34- 42, In Proocedings of the International Conference on Eurasian Economies, edited by Sari and Gencer,. Baku 2022
Proocedings of the International Conference on Eurasian Economies
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Book Chapter
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
Consenso de Pequim
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Dictionary Entry
A Nova Geopolítica do Ártico: o fator chinês
Argos Revista do Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Journal Article
Consenso de Washington
Publication date: 2022
Type of publication: Encyclopedia Entry
Supervisor and evaluator of the internship activities and final report of the student Inês Clementina Saraiva Peneda.
Host Institution of the internship: Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Evaluator within the project Pequenos Gestos, Grandes Corações, from Centro Solidário da Ajudaris
Centro Solidário da Ajudaris
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Supervisor and evaluator of the internship activities and final report of the student Nuno Miguel da Cruz Silva
Host Institution of the internship: Associação Baloiço do Tempo.
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Invited discussant for the PhD project of candidate Deepthi Suresh, entitled “India’s Indo-Pacific Strategy vis-à-vis Chinese Assertiveness: Looking Through the Glass of Quad”.
University of Minho. Braga
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Duarte, Paulo (2021). “Assessing China in Portuguese Foreign Policy”. 26th World Congress in Political Science. IPSA Panel LOC05.06 “The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Soft Tool to Achieve Its Geostrategic Goals”. online. In co-authorship with Professor Laura Ferreira-Pereira.
26th World Congress in Political Science. IPSA Conference
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Conference Paper
Open Class on “Democracy in Nigeria”. by Dr. Joel Anthony Kemie, University of Minho, Braga. Via Zoom. Organized by Paulo Afonso B. Duarte, Universidade Lusófona do Porto. 6-5-2021.
Universidade Lusófona do Porto
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Member (and arguer) of the Jury of Master in Political Science
University of Minho
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Open Class on “The Challenges of Nowaday’s Democracy”
Universidade Lusófona do Porto
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Lecture Speech
Organizer and Chair of the IPSA Panel “The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Soft Tool to Achieve Its Geostrategic Goals”. 14 July 2021. On-line
International Political Science Association
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Revisor at the invitation of Geopolitics (Taylor and Francis), for the manuscript entitled “Statecraft in the steppes: Central Asia’s relations with China”.
Geopolitics, from Taylor and Francis
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Revisor at the invitation of ULP Law Review for the manuscript entitled “Misogyny: Are Personal Laws Androcentric?”
ULP Law Review
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Organizer of the Seminar “The contours of US Democracy”
Universidade Lusófona do Porto
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Lecture Speech
“China in the Middle Atlantic: Challenges for the Small Portuguese Island States”.
2020-2021 Third International Annual Symposium. Jointly Organized by IROPC – City University of Macau (China) and Joaquim Chissano University (Mozambique)
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Conference Paper
Duarte, Paulo (2021). “Democracy in the Global Era: The Populist Challenge”
26th World Congress in Political Science. IPSA
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Conference Paper
Co-organizer of the Doctoral Thematic Seminar “Globalization and Covid19: Understanding its Impact and Implications”
University of Minho
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Kazakhstan under President Tokayev – transformation in all spheres
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Online Resource
Invited discussant for the PhD project of candidate Amaro Martins, entitled “The Results of the Changing Structure of Armed Conflicts In States’ Defence Policy and Investment in Armed Forces”.
University of Minho. Braga.
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
Discussant within 26th IPSA World Congress of Political Science. Panel LOC.05.18. “China and the BRI: Assessing Limits and Possibilities”
26th IPSA World Congress of Political Science. Panel LOC.05.18.
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
The Soft Power of China and the European Union in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative and Global Strategy
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Journal Article
Duarte, Paulo (2021). Recensão do livro Macau: Novas Leituras. Tinta da China, de Labirinho, A.; Cordeiro, G.; Pinto, M. e Nunes, A. (eds) (2021). publicada em Brotéria, vol 193-2/3; agosto-setembro 2021, pp. 215-216.
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Book Review
Duarte, Paulo. 2021. Kazakstan forging own path of development under new presidency. 42th issue of the Open Central Asia Magazine, pp.10-12. In co-authorship with Paulo Vitorino. Available at
Open Central Asia Magazine,
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Magazine Article
Supervisor and evaluator of the internship activities and final report of the student Júlio Caetano Martins Ferreira.
Host Institution of the internship: Associação Oliveirense.
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other
What’s New in South Atlantic? A Focus on the China Challenge
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Conference Paper
Duarte, Paulo (2021). Palestra dada por convite e subsequente mesa redonda no âmbito da conferência organizada pela UAL-IDN, intitulada “China e Países de Língua Portuguesa”. 23-6-2021. Via zoom
“China e Países de Língua Portuguesa”
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Conference Paper
Supervisor and evaluator of the internship activities and final report of the student Marcelo Castro da Silva.
Host Institution of the internship: Gaia City Council.
Publication date: 2021
Type of publication: Other