Department of Economics, University of ÉvoraEVANTHIA BALLA

Assistant Professor of the University of Évora
University of Évora, Department of Economics, Office 221 CES
+351 266 740 800

Evanthia Balla holds a PhD in Political Science and International Relations from the Institute of Political Studies, Portuguese Catholic University. Evanthia has a Masters degree in International Politics from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium and a Masters degree in European Studies from the University of Reading, UK. Evanthia has a Bachelors Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the University of Athens, Greece and is an Alumni of the Georgetown University Leadership Seminar (GLS), USA. She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Évora and the Director of the Master in International Relations and European Studies. She is a collaborative member of the Research Center in Political Science (CICP). The main research focus are the European Integration, the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy. She is the author of books and numerous essays and articles published in national and international scientific journals, including: Athens Journal of Social Science; JANUS.NET e-journal of International Relations; Strategy, Coordination by Adriano Moreira; Norsk Ressurssenter for Fredsbygging (NOREF).

Research Interests
European Integration
European Political System
EU Foreign Policy and Security
International Relations
European Law

Crises of the Political and Human Rights: Critical Perspectives on the Common World

Edições Húmus

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Edited Book

International politics, political crisis and human rights: critical perspectives around the common world

Ed. Húmus

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book

The European Union’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

The Policy and Politics of the Refugee Crisis in the Mediterranean Countries: National and Institutional Perspectives

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book Chapter


The EU human rights paradigm: Re(politicizing) European integration

International politics, political crisis and human rights: critical perspectives around the common world

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Reflexões sobre a Guerra na Ucrânia: Novas ilusões ou verdadeiras promessas para a segurança europeia

JANUS.NET. E-journal of International Relations

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Journal Article

A aliança Luso-Britânica entre a Europa belicosa e a feitura de um mundo plural

Aliança Luso-Britânica

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Política e Pandemias. Olhares Políticos Disciplinares Sobre os Dilemas da Cidade Terrestre

Ed. Húmus

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Book

Continuidade do CEDN de 2013, do Conceito Estratégico da OTAN e da Bússola Estratégica da União Europeia

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Working Paper

Introduction to Quantitative Approaches for Triangulation in International Relations: A Basic Guide

Journal of Political Science and International Relations

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Journal Article

Power and governance in times of the pandemic: The European Vaccines strategy and the role of the Commission

Política e Pandemias. Olhares Políticos Transdisciplinares sobre os Dilemas da Cidade Terrestre

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Política e Pandemias olhares transdisciplinares sobre os dilemas da Cidade Terrestre

Ed. Húmus

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Edited Book

European Crises and Right-Wing Populism: The Case of Lega Nord

Global Politics in a Post-Truth Age

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Book Chapter


The Evolution of the EUs Security Model Through the Lenses of the Balkans

International Relations and Diplomacy

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


A integração dos direitos humanos no direito europeu. O poder das instituições numa perspetiva teórica neofuncionalista

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Book Chapter

The European identity in the classical psyche of Greece: Between values and strategic vision

Perspectivas – Journal of Political Science

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


Global Threats and European security: Reassessing Pro-national European Nationalism

Addaiyan Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


The pandemic-integration nexus in the European Union. discourse, legislation and governance

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Conference Paper

A crise dos refugiados: a resposta da União Europeia: uma odisseia sem Ítaca

Revista Europa

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Journal Article


Justiça e Direitos Humanos numa Era de transição

Ed. Húmus

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Book

A segurança europeia num mundo em transformação. O dilema da (des)integração

Winter school. Desordem Global, novas ameaças e possíveis alternativas

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

The institutionalization of Syriza party in Greece

Janus anuário

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Journal Article


The refugee crisis under the scope. A test for European Security Policy

16th Annual International Conference on Politics

Publication date: 2018

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

Europe’s security threats: Ukraine revisited

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article


European Security Strategy in the 21st Century: The Blair Doctrine Revisited


Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article


Europe’s Prejudice and Security Threats

Conference. Dynamics and Policies of Prejudice from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-first Century

Publication date: 2016

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

Portugal: a solução está no Oceano Atlântico!

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2016

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

Putin vai ter saudades de Obama

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2016

Type of publication: Newspaper Article


O Pilar Europeu dos Direitos Sociais

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2016

Type of publication: Newspaper Article


Líderes procuram-se

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

O rosto da tristeza na Europa é feminino

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

Basta às Tragédias Gregas

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

A Cidade da Luz está a perder o brilho

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

Ricos demais para pagar impostos

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

Reflexões de uma mente brilhante

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

Como crescer em contexto de austeridade?

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

The transatlantic security dilemma after 9/11: Lessons from Britain the role of Tony Blair

Nota de Rodapé

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Book


A odisseia da presidência grega

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

Uma economia azul para a Europa

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2014

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

Iran’s nuclear deal: miracle or just a time break?

Publication date: 2014

Type of publication: Journal Article


Genocide: the transformation of a beast

Publication date: 2014

Type of publication: Journal Article


Ucrânia e a política energética europeia

Jornal Económico

Publication date: 2014

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

Balla, Evanthia (2013). “Libertar o potencial das crianças e dos jovens”, OJE, 07/02/2013. Disponível em: e-dos-jovens

Publication date: 2013

Type of publication: Journal Article

Turkish and Iranian interests and policies in the South Caucasus

Publication date: 2013

Type of publication: Online Resource


Energizar a Europa

Publication date: 2013

Type of publication: Newspaper Article

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