Research Center in Political ScienceANTÓNIO RAIMUNDO

Ph.D. in International Relations (London School of Economics and Political Science)

António Raimundo is Research Fellow at the Research Centre in Political Science of University of Minho and Associate Fellow at the Centre for International Studies of ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. He has been Guest Lecturer in several Portuguese universities. He holds a PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Masters in European Politics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

His research bridges the fields of International Relations, Foreign Policy Analysis and European Studies. He has covered topics such as foreign policy and diplomacy, regional integration, interregionalism, Europeanization, Brexit, Europe-Africa relations, EU foreign policy, Portuguese foreign policy. He has participated in several research projects with competitive funding, having recently completed a post-doctorate on the Europeanization of Portuguese foreign policy funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and participated in the COST Action ENTER “EU Foreign Policy Facing New Realities” led by a consortium of European universities.

He is a member of numerous scientific associations and research networks, namely the network of experts of the “Yearbook of European Integration” (Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin) as a specialist in Portugal’s European policy and the UACES Network of EU-Africa Research (NEAR). His research results have been presented at the main conferences in his field (APCP, UACES, ECPR, EISA, ISA).

He recently organized (with Laura Ferreira-Pereira) the Special Issue “Small EU Member States and Brexit” in Journal of Contemporary European Studies (2023), contributed to “The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations” (2020) and edited the volume “Política Externa Portuguesa e África: Tendências e Temas Contemporâneos” (2019). His articles have been published in Journal of European Integration, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, European Politics and Society, European Integration Online Papers, among others.

Research Areas

Foreign Policy Analysis

International Relations Theory

European Integration Theory

European Studies (CFSP/CSDP)

EU Foreign Policy


Portuguese Foreign Policy

Europe-Africa Relations

Portugal’s strategic response to Brexit: enduring Europeanisation?

Publication date: 2024

Type of publication: Book Chapter


Introduction: small EU member states and Brexit

Publication date: 2024

Type of publication: Book Chapter



Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2023

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Portugal’s Contemporary Relations with Africa: A Limited Shelter?

Small States and Big Powers: Portugal and Iceland’s Foreign Relations

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book Chapter


Small EU member states and Brexit: Introduction

Journal of Contemporary European Studies

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Journal Article


O Acordo pós-Cotonou e os Mecanismos de Governança das Relações União Europeia-África: Complementaridade ou fragmentação?

Cadernos de Estudos Africanos

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Journal Article


The Eurozone crisis’ impact: a de-Europeanization of Greek and Portuguese foreign policies?

Journal of European Integration

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


Hedging its bets? Portugal’s diplomatic strategies for a post-Brexit Europe

European Politics and Society

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


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