Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts (DHEEAA), University of CoimbraISABEL CAMISÃO

Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations (University of Minho)

Isabel Camisão is an Associate Professor at University of Coimbra. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations, a Master’s degree in European Studies and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations. Between 2011 and 2015 Isabel Camisão developed the Ph.D. Project named “Timely political leadership in the EU”, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).

Áreas de Interesse e de Investigação

EU governance

EU political system

EU policies

Multilevel Governance

EU supranational institutions

Integration theories

Public policy theories

“Portugal in the European Union” (forthcoming)

Portugal in the Twenty-First Century

Publication date: 2024

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Cooperation partners or systemic rivals? The EU-China relations in the light of a changing international environment (forthcoming)

Palgrave Handbook on China-Europe-Africa Relations

Publication date: 2024

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Framing the COVID-19 crisis to prompt change: the role of the European Commission and the European Central Bank

53rd UACES Annual Conference

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Paper

The EU and the Pandemic Crisis: From ‘Road to Nowhere’ to ‘I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For’

The European Integration Process: Crisis and Resilience in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Was it policy learning? Explaining the differences between the 2013 and the 2020 EU Cybersecurity Strategy as regards the fight against cybercrime

18th Biennial European Union Studies Association (EUSA) Conference

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Winning narratives during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of the European Commission and the European Central Bank

29th International Conference on Europeanists, Council for European Studies

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Paper

The EU and the Pandemic Crisis: From ‘Road to Nowhere’ to ‘I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For’

Conference on Economics and Business Roads to Sustainability (ICEBRS)

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Paper

The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies, edited by D.Bigo, T.Diez, E.Fanoulis, B.Rosamond and Y. A.Stivachtis(Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2021, ISBN 9780429491306); xiii+564 pp., 35.99 eb.

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book Review


Beyond the obvious: Institutional Actors of the EU in the CFSP

The European Union as an International Actor Peace and Security in Narratives and Practices

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Desafíos para la Democracia en la Unión Europea

Multilareralismo Y Regionalismo em Tiempos Desafiantes: Relaciones entre Europa y América Latina Y el Caribe

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Para além do óbvio: os atores Institucionais da UE no Ciclo Político da PESC

União Europeia como Ator Internacional: Paz e Segurança nas Narrativas e Práticas

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Book Chapter



Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Dictionary Entry

The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy and the fight against cybercrime in times of COVID-19: a result of policy learning (2013-2020)?

ECPR General Conference

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Comportamento Eleitoral


Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Dictionary Entry

The Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis and Geringonça: How have they impacted on Portuguese Leftist Euroscepticism?

ECPR General Conference

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Conference Paper

The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy and the fight against cybercrime

EISA PEC 2022, 15th Pan European Conference on International Relations

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Conference Paper

The von der Leyen geopolitical Commission in times of COVID-19 pandemic

52nd UACES Annual Conference

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Conference Paper

The Pandemic Crisis and the European Union


Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Book


Challenges to democracy in the European Union

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Book Chapter


Playing the Market Card: The Commission’s Strategy to Shape EU Cybersecurity Policy

JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Journal Article


Benefits, Identity and Values. Discussing the Perceptions of Higher Education Students about being part of Europe

INTEND 2021 – 15th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Paper


Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Paper


When crisis and entrepreneurship are not enough: an analysis of the European Agenda on Migration.

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Biden e o regresso da parceria transatlântica: oportunidades e desafios

Relações Internacionais

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article

Ada Salter

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Encyclopedia Entry

The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy in times of COVID-19 pandemic: a result of policy learning?

UACES 51st Annual Conference

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Paper

The challenge of communication: Assessing the EU’s communication strategy to build trust

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Paper

The Pandemic Crisis and the European Union: COVID-19 and Crisis Management

The Pandemic Crisis and the European Union: COVID-19 and Crisis Management

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Book


Institutional Rebalancing in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic

New Challenges for the Eurozone Governance: Joint Solutions for Common Threats?

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Book Chapter


From Political to Geopolitical? A first appraisal of the von der Leyen Commission’s narrative and organization

10th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Failure or success: assessing the European Commission’s new strategy to foster EU’s economic recovery

Journal of European Integration

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Journal Article


O Parlamento Europeu e a “eleição” do Presidente da Comissão Europeia

O Parlamento Europeu e as eleições europeias: ensaios sobre a legitimidade democrática

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Book Chapter

The election of the commission president: On the road to democratic politics?

The European Union: Policies, Perspectives and Politics

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Book Chapter


Am I a European? Perceptions of higher education students on what it means to be part of the European Union

UACES Virtual Conference

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Comissão Europeia

Instituições, órgãos e organismos da União Europeia

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Book Chapter

The Election of the Commission President: on the road to democratic politics?

The European Union: Politics, Perspectives and Policies

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Book Chapter

A União Europeia em tempos de crise(s): oportunidade para reforma e/ou mudança?

O Estado da União Europeia: Diagnóstico e Prospectiva

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Book Chapter

A governação da Zona Euro no pós-crise: uma procuração para um novo balanço institucional?

Desafios e oportunidades para a Governação da Zona Euro

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Resposta à(s) crise(s): Reforma, Mudança Inovadora ou Gradual?

O Estado da União Europeia: Diagnóstico e Prospectiva

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Book Chapter

When policy entrepreneurship doesn’t do the trick: an analysis of the Juncker’s Commission European Agenda on Migration

ECPR General Conference

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Julien Benda

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Dictionary Entry

Doing less more efficiently? An analysis of the Juncker Commission Better Regulation Agenda

UACES 40th Annual Conference

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Conference Paper

A União Europeia e os Direitos Humanos: da omissão à protecção efectiva?

Os Direitos Humanos por um Fio? Perspetivas transdisciplinares em torno dos direitos humanos em tempos difíceis

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Book Chapter

O Estado da União Europeia: Diagnóstico e Prospectiva


Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Book

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