Department of Political Science, University of MinhoISABEL ESTRADA CARVALHAIS

Ph.D. in Sociology (University of Warwick)
+ 351 253 604 520

Isabel Estrada Carvalhais is an Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations in School of Economics and Management ate University of Minho. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (University of Warwick, UK), a MPhil in Sociology (University of Coimbra, Portugal), and a BA in International Relations (University of Minho, Portugal).

Isabel Estrada Carvalhais has been a research member in various projects (e.g. “The electoral participation of Portugal’s foreigners”, conducted by the International Organisation for Migrations in Portugal; DIVPOL, funded by the European Fund for the Integration) and expert member in non-academic projects (e.g. member of the Transnational Steering Committee of the project “Pathways to Parental Leadership” lead by the Immigrant Council of Ireland).

Research Areas

Citizenship Studies


Political inclusion, forms of participation and structures of political opportunity for immigrants and citizens of migrant origin

citizenship and political inclusion of immigrants

Actors and dynamics of a policy transfer network

Brazilian Journal of International Relations

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Journal Article


A Cooperação Brasileira e os Programas de Alimentação Escolar em São Tomé e Príncipe e Moçambique: Desafios e Perspetivas para o Desenvolvimento Rural

Monções: Revista de Relações Internacionais da UFGD

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Journal Article


The Meaning of Detention on Life Trajectories and Self-Identities: the Perspectives of Detained Migrants in a Removal Centre in Portugal

Journal of International Migration and Integration

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Journal Article


Resisting Euroscepticism and Anti-Refugee Populism in Europe: The Portuguese Case

A European Crisis – Perspectives on Refugees, Solidarity, and Europe

Publication date: 2018

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Immigrants’ political claims in Portugal: confronting the political opportunity structure with perceptions and discourses

Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol 40, no5

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article


Immigrants’ political claims in Portugal: confronting the political opportunity structure with perceptions and discourses

Ethnic and Racial Studies

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article


Participação Eleitoral dos Emigrantes e Imigrantes de Portugal.

Publication date: 2013

Type of publication: Report

Portugal’s strategy on brain gain: Its meanings and impacts in the making of a post-national language of citizenship.

Portuguese Journal of Social Science

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Journal Article

Portugal’s strategy on brain gain: Its meanings and impacts in the making of a post-national language of citizenship

Portuguese Journal of Social Science

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Journal Article


L’Unione European e l’immigrato extra-comunitario: la gestione dell’esclusione.

Gli Stranieri–Rassegna de Studi e Giurisprudenza

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Journal Article

Brain drain/ brain gain from the perspetive of a semi-peripheral state – Portugal

Diversities (UNESCO, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Journal Article

Portugal’s strategy on brain gain: Its meanings and impacts in the making of a post-national language of citizenship.

Portuguese Journal of Social Science

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Journal Article

A União Europeia e o «Outro» – tensões e compromissos da lógica subjacente à sua gestão da imigração de países terceiros.

E-Cadernos CES

Publication date: 2011

Type of publication: Journal Article

O Tratado de Lisboa e participação cidadã – indagando o potencial democrático da Iniciativa de Cidadania Europeia (ICE).

Direito da União Europeia e Transnacionalidade

Publication date: 2011

Type of publication: Book Chapter

A União Europeia e o «Outro» – tensões e compromissos da lógica subjacente à sua gestão da imigração de países terceiros.

E-Cadernos CES

Publication date: 2011

Type of publication: Other

Questionando a cidadania pós-nacional em tempos de crise.

I Congresso Internacional do Observare, International trends and Portugal’s Position

Publication date: 2011

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Citizenship Policy Making in Portugal

Publication date: 2010

Type of publication: Report

The cosmopolitan language of the state: post-national citizenship and the integration of non-nationals.

European Journal of Social Theory.

Publication date: 2010

Type of publication: Journal Article

A cultura política em Habermas.

Economia e Sociologia (Universidade de Évora, Évora).

Publication date: 2010

Type of publication: Journal Article

Migrantes e minorias étnicas lusófonas em Portugal – evolução do sistema legal de direitos políticos e sociais.

Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science an International Relations

Publication date: 2010

Type of publication: Journal Article

Iniciativa de Cidadania Europeia – mais e melhor democracia na UE?

PerspeCtivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations

Publication date: 2010

Type of publication: Journal Article

Imigração e interculturalidade na União Europeia: Sombra e luz de uma relação complexa.

Comunicação Intercultural – Perspetivas, dilemas e desafios

Publication date: 2009

Type of publication: Book Chapter

‘Ten years of political rights for non-national residents in Portugal’

I&II Encontro Internacional Migrantes Subsarianos na Europa, SociNova-Migrações.

Publication date: 2008

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Mulheres imigrantes brasileiras em Portugal e Holanda.

Migrações e Interculturalidade.

Publication date: 2008

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Pensar a Cidadania, hoje.

Cidadania no Pensamento Político Contemporâneo

Publication date: 2008

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Condição Pós-nacional da Cidadania Política.

Cidadania no Pensamento Político Contemporâneo

Publication date: 2007

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Pós-nacionalidade no Projeto da Cidadania Europeia.


Publication date: 2007

Type of publication: Journal Article

Postnational Citizenship and the State.

Publication date: 2007

Type of publication: Book

The cosmopolitan language of the state: Post-national citizenship and the integration of non-nationals

European Journal of Social Theory

Publication date: 2007

Type of publication: Journal Article


Cidadania no Pensamento Político Contemporâneo.

Publication date: 2007

Type of publication: Book

Book Review of Immigrants at the Margins, Law, Race and Exclusion in Southern Europe

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Publication date: 2007

Type of publication: Journal Article

Condição pós-nacional da cidadania política – pensar a integração de residentes não-nacionais em Portugal

Sociologia – Problemas e Práticas

Publication date: 2006

Type of publication: Journal Article

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