Department of Political Science, University of MinhoMiguel Ângelo Rodrigues

Ph.D Administrative Science (University of Minho)

Miguel Rodrigues is an Associate Professor with Habillitation at University of Minho. He is vice-president at the School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho and integrated member at Research Center in Political Science (CICP) . He holds a PhD in Administration Sciences from the University of Minho.

Áreas de Interesse e de Investigação

Miguel Rodrigues’ research focuses on the role played by transaction costs in the choice between alternative modes of governance. Miguel Rodrigues has analyzed how the market mechanism and collaborative networks could be an alternative to the traditional hierarchical model. More recently he has been working on the reverse trend of contracting for services.


Can even still be uneven? The effect of quotas in Portuguese local governments

Local Government Studies

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Journal Article


How far is municipal transparency from neighbours? Evidence from Spain and Portugal

International Journal of Public Sector Management

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Journal Article


From enthusiasm to disenchantment: an analysis of the termination of Portuguese municipal enterprises

Public Money & Management

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


Asymmetric regional dynamics in the Portuguese economy: debt, openness and local revenues

Regional Studies

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


The effects of amalgamations on voter turnout: Evidence from sub-municipal governments in Portugal


Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Journal Article

Turnout and Territorial Reform: Data from Sub municipal governments in Portugal

Data in Brief

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Journal Article


Considerações sobre Gestão, Eficiência e Mobilidade de Oficiais de Justiça

Perspectivas – Journal of Political Science

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Journal Article


Assimetrias e Convergência Regional: Implicações para a Descentralização e Regionalização em Portugal

Associação Comercial do Porto

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Book

“Is there anybody out there?” Political implications of a territorial integration

Journal of Urban Affairs

Publication date: 2018

Type of publication: Journal Article


“Is there anybody out there?” Political implications of a territorial integration

Journal of Urban Affairs

Publication date: 2018

Type of publication: Journal Article


These rules are made for spending: testing and extending the law of 1/n

Public Choice

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article

The same deep water as you? The impact of alternative governance arrangements of water service delivery on efficiency

Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article

Democracia vs. eficiência: como alcançar equilíbrio em tempo de crise financeira

Revista de Administração Pública

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article

Políticas Públicas Metropolitanas: Lecciones del ensayo hecho en el Área Metropo- litana de Guadalajara

ONU Habitat

Publication date: 2016

Type of publication: Book

Impacts of NPM-Driven Performance Management Reforms and Ideologies in Napoleonic Local Governments: A Comparative Analysis of France, Portugal, and Turkey

Local Public Sector Reforms in Times of Crisis

Publication date: 2016

Type of publication: Other

Políticas Públicas Metropolitanas: Lecciones del ensayo hecho en el Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara

CIDE & ONU Habitat

Publication date: 2016

Type of publication: Book

The Economic and Political Impacts of Top-Down Territorial Reforms: The Case of Sub-City Governments

Local Government Studies

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Journal Article


O Tratamento e Análise de Dados

Metodologia para a Investigação Social

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Book Chapter

A Implementação de Políticas Sociais pelo Terceiro Sector: Um Enquadramento de Mercado

Coletânea em Administração Pública

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Book Chapter

The instruments of political and administrative participation at local level: An empirical analysis of the options of portuguese municipalities | Los instrumentos de participación política y administrativa a nivel local: Un análisis empírico de las opciones de los municipios portugueses

Reforma y Democracia

Publication date: 2013

Type of publication: Journal Article


From civil servants to liberal professionals: An empirical analysis of the reform of Portuguese notaries

International Review of Administrative Sciences

Publication date: 2013

Type of publication: Journal Article


Municipal Service Delivery: The Role of Transaction Costs in the Choice between Alternative Governance Mechanisms

Local Government Studies

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Journal Article


A Implementação de Políticas Sociais pelo Terceiro Sector: Um enquadramento de Mercado

Colectânea em Administração Pública

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Book Chapter

A Reorganização do Poder Local: Impacto Financeiro e Territorial

Publication date: 2011

Type of publication: Book

A Reorganização do Poder Local: Impacto Financeiro e Territorial.

Publication date: 2011

Type of publication: Working Paper

A Prestação de Serviços Públicos nas Autarquias Locais


Publication date: 2009

Type of publication: Journal Article

Modelos de Gestão Pública: Tipologias de Governação

Revista Interface Administração Pública

Publication date: 2009

Type of publication: Journal Article

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