Department of Business and Legal Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of BragançaSÓNIA NOGUEIRA

Ph.D. in Business Economics (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
+ 351 253 601 944

Sónia Nogueira is a Professor of the School of Public Management, Communication and Tourism (EsACT) at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) since 2000. She becomes an Assistant Professor in 2013 at the same school. Currently Sónia is lecturing Public Sector Accounting and Public Audit and Management, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her research interests are focused on Public Sector Accounting and Management, with an emphasis on the Local Government area – Financial Reporting.

Sónia was awarded her first degree in Audit and Management Control (School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança) in 1999, MsC in Management and Accounting (Economics and Business School, University of Minho, Portugal) in 2006, sufficiency researcher in Accounting and Business Organization (Business and Economic Sciences School, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) in 2010 and PhD in Economics and Business – Local Government Accounting (Business and Economic Sciences School, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) in 2012.

Sónia has been the author of national and international communications on Public Sector Accounting, specifically on local government accounting, such as the communication present in European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) Conference in 2016, Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research (CIGAR) Conference in 2016, others. She also is a co-author of the book “Balanced Scorecard Applied to Public Administration” (2007, Lisbon, Portugal: Publisher Team).

She has receiving the award “Luiz Chaves de Almeida” – 2010, attributed in 2011, for the research “Usefulness of financial information municipal for decision-making internal users: the case of the municipality of Bragança” and the frist awards by open concourse – Awars Accounting “Luiz Chaves de Almeida” – 2013 with the project title “The Financial Reporting in the Decision-Making of Political and Municipal Managers. Empirical Evidence for Portugal”, attributed in 2014.

Research Areas

Usefulness of financial reporting in the context of decision-making of Local Government.

Analysis of Citizen Satisfaction in Municipal Services

Management, Tourism and Smart Technologies

Publication date: 2024

Type of publication: Book Chapter


Desempenho Temporal e Razões de Insucesso das Transferências Voluntárias em Programas de Infraestrutura da Reforma Agrária Brasileira

Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas

Publication date: 2024

Type of publication: Magazine Article

The Role of Higher Education Institutions as Promoters of Regional Competitiveness: A Case Study

Management, Tourism and Smart Technologies

Publication date: 2024

Type of publication: Book Chapter


Measuring the Use of Financial Information by Politicians in the Local Government

Public, Money & Management

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Magazine Article

Debate: Auditing and political accountability in local government—dealing with paradoxes in the relationship between the executive and the council

Public Money & Management

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Journal Article


Accountability Democrática: proposta de índice para órgãos deliberativos locais

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Paper

A importância do usuário na construção dos portais eletrônicos dos órgãos deliberativos locais

XX Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Planejamento Urbano e Regional (ENANPUR) “ANPUR 40 anos: novos tempos, novos desafios em um Brasil diverso”, Sessão Temática ST 7-[Socio] tecnologia para o planejamento urbano e re

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

The Role of European Funding in the Development of Rural Tourism

10th International Conference, IACuDiT

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Are enterprises from lagging regions digitally connected?

18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

Citizen’ Satisfaction Index in Portugal Local Government: a Case Study

In XXXII Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica. Abraçar Oportunidades, Gerir a Incerteza: Ultrapassar Desafios

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

Financial Information Use in Parliamentary Debates in a Changing Context

Public Organization Review

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Magazine Article

Debate: Auditing and political accountability in local government – dealing with paradoxes in the relationship between the executive and the council

Public Money & Management

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Magazine Article

The use of public sector reporting information by politicians: mapping the trends and identifying the gaps

XIX Congresso Internacional de Contabilidade e Auditoria ‘O Impacto do Big Data e da Inteligência Artificial’

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

The Importance of Touristic Collaborative Networks for Peripheral Regions: the CRECEER Project

Desarrollo Compatible Experiencias en Europa e Iberoamericana. Compatible development: experiences in Europe and Iberoamerica.

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book Chapter

A Gestão Regionalizada na Política Pública de Resíduos Sólidos no Brasil e seus Reflexos

COLÓQUIO – Revista do Desenvolvimento Regional

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Magazine Article

Deliberativos locais: importância da construção de portais voltados ao usuário

In Democracia em tempos digitais: ensaios contemporâneos

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

Tribunais de Contas e controle social em municípios: estudo comparativo Brasil e Portugal

XI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

Gastos e Eficiência das Políticas Públicas em Educação na Microrregião de Paranaguá

Journal of Globalization, Competitiveness and Governability

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Journal Article


Os instrumentos financeiros para reabilitação urbana: o caso do IFRRU 2020

In Livro de Abstracts – XXI Grudis Conference & Doctoral Colloquium (XXI GC & DC)

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

Finanças municipais e o enfrentamento à COVID-19: o caso de Curitiba (Brasil) e Porto (Portugal)

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Local Government Auditing in Portugal

Auditing Practices in Local Governments: An International Comparison

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Book Chapter

Avaliação da Eficiência no Sistema de Saúde na Microrregião de Paranaguá

Informe GEPEC

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Magazine Article

Políticas públicas e o ecossistema de inovação em Curitiba. O caso do Vale do Pinhão

III Encontro Internacional de Língua Portuguesa e Relações. Lusófona) (LUSOCONF2023)

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Análise Bibliométrica Sobre o Uso da Informação dos Relatos do Setor Público pelos Políticos

III Congresso Internacional de Contabilidade Pública ‘Contabilidade Pública e Indústria 4.0’

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

The institutionalization of public sector accounting reforms: the role of pilot entities

Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


Princípios do Código de Procedimento Administrativo e seus Contributos para a Accountability: o Caso Português

Contabilidade Gestão e Governança

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


Mecanismos de Recuperac¸a~o Financeira e Gesta~o Fiscal: O Caso do Munici´pio de Mirandela

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Accountability Democrática em Portais Eletrónicos do Órgão Deliberativo Local

16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

Gestão Fiscal como Instrumento de Planejamento Municipal: Estudo Comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal

Revista Caderno Pedagógico

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Magazine Article

Processo orçamentário dos municípios: estudo comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal / Municipalities’ budget process: a comparative study between Brazil and Portugal

Brazilian Journal of Development

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


Democratic Accountability on Electronic Portals of the Municipal Deliberative Body

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Are rural accommodation enterprises efficiently present online?

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Harmonização Europeia da Contabilidade Pública e as EPSAS

Revista de la Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Magazine Article

Impactos do Plano de Recuperação Fiscal de Curitiba-PR

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Conference Paper

As despesas por funções dos municípios portugueses: estudo dos seus determinantes

XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica “Cooperação Transfronteiriça: Desenvolvimento e Coesão Territorial”

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

Avaliação da satisfação dos munícipes: estudo de caso dos municípios da ilha de São Nicolau

XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica “Cooperação Transfronteiriça: Desenvolvimento e Coesão Territorial” (4-8 de fevereiro)

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Conference Abstract

A autonomia das autarquias locais e o processamento da despesa pública

XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica “Cooperação Transfronteiriça: Desenvolvimento e Coesão Territorial”

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Conference Paper

Avaliação da Satisfação dos Munícipes: Estudo de Caso dos Municípios da Ilha de São Nicolau

XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas “Cooperação Transfronteiriça: Desenvolvimento e Coesão Territorial)

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Conference Paper

A cooperação intermunicipal em Cabo Verde: influência de fatores políticos e económicos

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Conference Paper

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