Department of Political Science, University of MinhoMARIA DO CÉU PINTO ARENA

Ph.D in Political Science and International Relations (University of Durham)
+ 351 253604523

Maria do Céu Pinto Arena is an Associate Professor with Habillitation of the Department of Political Science in School of Economics and Management at  University of Minho. Her areas of expertise are Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies and International Organizations, with a focus on the United Nations (UN) and peacekeeping activities in general, including that of the UN and other regional organizations.

She holds a Ph.D. from the Centre of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Durham, UK, 1997.

Maria do Céu Pinto Arena is the author of the following publications in books and journals (among others): “Consequences of Third-Generation Peacekeeping for the United Nations”, in F. Antonelli et al. (eds), Il porto del disincato. Scritti in onore di Maria Luisa Maniscalco (Franco Angeli: Milan, 2016); “Portugal: An Instrumental Approach to Peace Support Operations”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2014; “A Small State’s Search for Relevance: Peace Missions as Foreign Policy”, International Peacekeeping, 2014; As Nações Unidas e os desafios da governação global (Lisbon: Letras Itinerantes, 2014); As Nações Unidas e a manutenção da paz, Coimbra, Almedina, 2006; O Islão na Europa (coord.), Lisbon, Prefácio, 2006; Islamist and Middle Eastern Terrorism: A Threat to Europe? (CeMISS/Rubbettino: Rome, 2002); Political Islam and the United States: A Study of U.S. Policy Towards the Islamist Movements in the Middle East (Reading: Ithaca Press, 1999); “Relations with North Africa: A New Priority in Portuguese Bilateral Foreign Policy?”, Mediterranean Politics, 2016; “Portugal: An Evaluation of the Jihadist Threat”, Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 2012; “Some U.S. Concerns Regarding Islamist and Middle Eastern Terrorism”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 1999.

Research Areas

Islamic World

International Organizations

Peace Studies

New Portuguese jihadist phenomenon

Interpretation and hybridization of contemporary jihadist ideological thought

Small States

Peacekeeping missions

Organizações políticas internacionais: os desafios da cooperação internacional: Breve estudo sobre dez organizações internacionais

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Book


Multiculturality against radicalisation in Belgium and Portugal

International Review of Sociology

Publication date: 2023

Type of publication: Journal Article


Portugal’s Challenging Relationship with China under Tense US/EU-China Relations

The International Spectator

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Journal Article


The Impact of Ethnic Goups on International Relations

Mapping Non-State Actors in International Relations

Publication date: 2022

Type of publication: Book Chapter


Narratives modes and foreign policy change: the debate on the 2015 Iran nuclear deal

Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional

Publication date: 2021

Type of publication: Journal Article


Glocal Jihad: An Analysis of Jihadism in Iberia

Critical Perspectives from Africa and Europe

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Book Chapter


A contribuição da governance transitória da ONU nas sociedades pós-conflito

Resolução de Conflitos – Estudos de Casos

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Book Chapter


As missões de peacebuilding da ONU

Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Wladimir Brito

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Book Chapter


Pode a crise da COVID-19 acelerar a revisão da ordem global atual? A luta pela liderança do sistema internacional no séc. XXI

Publication date: 2020

Type of publication: Book Chapter


A reconfiguração dos equilíbrios de poder no Médio Oriente

Estudos de Relações Internacionais

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Book Chapter


‘Italy’s involvement in PSO: between self-interest and the logic of appropriateness’

Journal of Contemporary European Studies

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Journal Article


As Nações Unidas: a sociedade internacional e os desafios da governança global

UMinho Editora

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Book


‘Italy’s involvement in PSO: between self-interest and the logic of appropriateness’

Journal of Contemporary European Studies

Publication date: 2019

Type of publication: Journal Article


“The Portuguese Foreign Fighters Phenomenon”

Journal of Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism

Publication date: 2018

Type of publication: Journal Article

“Glocal Jihad”

Exporting Jihad: Critical Perspectives from the ‘Periphery’

Publication date: 2018

Type of publication: Book Chapter

“The Portuguese Foreign Fighters Phenomenon”

Journal of Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism

Publication date: 2018

Type of publication: Journal Article

Editorial: Os Estudos da Paz: entre a reflexão estratégica e a tradição crítica”

Perspectivas – Journal of Political Science

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article

The Rationale of Small and Medium-Sized States for Involvement in PSO: The Case of Italy and Portugal

European University Institute, EUI RSCAS; 2017/15, ISSN: 1028-3625, 2017.

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Working Paper

Devising New European Policies To Face The Arab Spring (coord./org.)

Letras Itinerantes

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Book

Islamic Terrorism in the West and International Migrations: The ‘Far’ or ‘Near’ Enemy Within? What Is the Evidence

European University Institute

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Working Paper

SPECIAL ISSUE: Os Estudos da Paz na Agenda de Investigação das Relações Internacionais

Perspectivas – Journal of Political Science

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Issue


“Changing Foreign Policy”

RBPI – Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article

Revisiting Italian Mediterranean Policy in the 1950s: Internal or Externally-driven? The Interplay of External Pressures and Domestic Constraints

European University Institute

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Working Paper

“A Blurring of Roles”

Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science an International Relations

Publication date: 2017

Type of publication: Journal Article

“Relations with North Africa”

Mediterranean Politics

Publication date: 2016

Type of publication: Journal Article

“Nacionalismo árabe e Pan-arabismo”

Janus 2015/2016

Publication date: 2015

Type of publication: Book Chapter


Journal of Contemporary European Studies

Publication date: 2014

Type of publication: Journal Article

As Nações Unidas e os desafios da governação global

Letras Itinerantes

Publication date: 2014

Type of publication: Book

Thinking Out of the Box: Devising New European Policies to Face the Arab Spring (coord.)

Publication date: 2014

Type of publication: Book

“A Small State’s Search for Relevance”

International Peacekeeping

Publication date: 2014

Type of publication: Journal Article

Mapping the Obama administration’s response to the Arab Spring | A evolução da resposta da Administração Obama à Primavera Árabe

Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Journal Article


População e Sociedade n.º 11

CEPESE / Edições Afrontamento

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Book


Desafios da Democratização no Mundo Global

CEPESE / Edições Afrontamento

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Book


Portugal’s Intelligence Evolution in the Post-9/11 World

Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Journal Article

The Bush and Obama Administration seen by Islamists

Publication date: 2012

Type of publication: Book Chapter


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