I EULUSO Conference discusses the relationship between the European Union and Brazil at the University of Minho


The School of Economics and Management at the University of Minho will host on 27th and 28th April the I EULUSO Conference – External Relations of the European Union with the Lusophone Countries. This event results from a project with the same name funded by the Jean Monnet actions of the European Union. This conference aims to discuss the relations between the European Union (EU) and the different Portuguese-speaking countries, and in this first edition the focus will be on Brazil. The event will be attended by students and academics from different Portuguese-speaking countries.

The event comes at a particularly critical moment for the EU. After a decade of great difficulties caused by the economic and financial crisis in the Eurozone, the Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, the EU has to deal with the consequences of the war in Ukraine. The Portuguese-speaking countries as a whole form an institutionalized space (the CPLP) to which the EU has not yet paid due attention in its partnership policy. In this space, demarcated by the most widely spoken language in the southern hemisphere, the EU may develop bilateral and multilateral relations with the potential to contribute to the strengthening, but also to the differentiation and resilience of its role as an international actor. On the other hand, Portuguese-speaking countries, individually and as a whole, may find in closer relations with the EU opportune partnership dynamics for the management of their challenges.

The I EULUSO Conference will discuss these challenges starting at 2:30pm on the 27th with a lecture by Brazilian foreign policy specialist, Professor Miriam Gomes Saraiva, from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, under the topic ‘From Bolsonaro to Lula: The Place of the European Union in Brazilian Foreign Policy’. The event’s program will also feature three panels composed of junior researchers (master’s and doctoral students) who, on the 27th and 28th, will address different topics and debates relevant to EU-Brazil relations. The event will close with a round table starting at 16h30 on the 28th and entitled ‘EU-Brazil Relations: Challenges and Perspectives’. It will be attended by Professor Miriam Gomes Saraiva, João Queirós, Deputy Director of the Directorate-General for Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Laura Ferreira-Pereira, Professor and Researcher at the Centre for Research in Political Science of the University of Minho (CICP-UMinho) and scientific coordinator of the EULUSO Project.

The event is open to the whole community and admission is free.

EEG students may register at EEGenerating Skills.

For more information please contact João Pinto through the email jmouratopinto@eeg.uminho.pt

See the complete program of the event here: I EULUSO Conference discusses at the University of Minho the relationship between the European Union and Brazil


Catarina Magalhães


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