Professor Miguel Rodrigues on the debate “Portugal is the most centralized country in Europe?” at Porto Canal


Miguel Rodrigues, Director of the Research center in Political Science (CICP) was on the the TV Channel Porto Canal  on the 29th of January in a debate entitled “Is Portugal the most centralized country in Europe’?”, which also included with the participation of Marco Martins, Mayor of Gondomar; Miguel Costa Gomes, Mayor of Barcelos; and Pedro Cegonho, President of ANAFRE (National Parish Association).

During the debate, Miguel Rodrigues had the opportunity to present the conclusions drawn from the 2018 study, carried out by the School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho and funded by the Associação Comercial do Porto, entitled “Asymmetries and Regional Convergence: Implications for Decentralization and Deconcentration of the State in Portugal”, carried out by Professors Fernando Alexandre (coordinator of the project), João Cerejeira, Miguel Portela and Miguel Rodrigues (with the collaboration of Hélder Costa).

The study can be accessed here – in Portuguese only.

The debate can be viewed here – in Portuguese only.

Catarina Magalhães

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